"Cartoonist Matt Groening's two TV series are laced with references to John Bender, the teen rebel portrayed by Judd Nelson in
The Breakfast Club, one of Groening's favorite movies. The hard-drinking, sarcastic robot Bender on
Futurama was named for him; school bully Nelson Muntz on
The Simpsons was named after Judd Nelson; and Bart Simpson's catchphrase, "eat my shorts," was first uttered by John Bender."
This random factoid was brought to you by
Uncle John's Heavy Duty Bathroom Reader, due out in bookstores on November 1st.
Why am I promoting the
Uncle John's series? Uh, no reason. Nothing more to see here. *ahem*
Yes, indeed, enjoy the entire series of
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Amazon and wherever fine, bathroom-themed trivia books are sold.
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