A few friends and I braved the snow-soaked passes along US 26 to spend the weekend on the outskirts of
Manzanita. The following lessons were learned:
Heading to the coast after dark during one of the worst winters the region has seen in decades isn't the best of ideas. Once past Manning, US 26 was covered in a thin layer of snow all the way to Camp 18 on Friday night. We're talking about winding mountain roads and traffic lines obscured by snowflakes. Drivers ahead of our car decided to straddle the westbound lanes for roughly a 20-mile stretch. Thankfully, at no point did I have to turn into a skid, push my car out of a snowdrift or fight a Yeti to the death. Another maybe-not-so-bright idea: attempting to hunt for mussels as the tide was coming in along the north end of Manzanita's coastline. Two of us did all the work while the rest of us hung back to laugh at them and play fetch with the dogs. Grand total of mussels captured Saturday afternoon: 0. Grand total of French spaniels that somehow managed to hump what may or may not have been a starfish after darting off through a patch of rocks: 1.
The owners of this sign attached a small wooden church to it because...actually, I have no idea. Maybe it's some sort of social commentary? It can be found along the main drag in town.
During the winter months the north Oregon coast recalls certain passages out of The Road. The only thing this photo is missing is gray ash falling from the sky. Oh, and a nuclear apocalypse.
I rest my case. Here's hoping this couple didn't have to push a shopping cart full of dry goods through a nightmarish hellscape filled with cannibals to make it out to the coast for the weekend. Anyway, we found this weird little fort on the south-side of the beach on Sunday.
Everyone is more intimidating when they're wearing a "wife beater." Even Zuma the border collie.Bottles of mezcal may not have hallucinogenic properties but may, however, lead to siblings mooning each other during heated debates over whether or not it's appropriate to blast Blitzkrieg Bop at 2 AM while more reasonable people are trying to pass out godammit.
Commando: it's still the finest action film the 1980s bequeathed us.The University of Phoenix Stadium has retractable roof for some reason.If it was snowing when you crossed the Oregon Coast Range, there's a good chance it will be snowing when you find yourself heading back to Portland after sticking around to watch the Super Bowl and that episode of Mythbusters when the hosts stuffed silverware into a cannon.Thanks for the lovely weekend, Mr. and Mrs. A. The candle light was just right, the Hi-Fi was in the background and the wine was delicious.
Labels: Oregon, the beach