A few local stories that might be worth a click:
Hookah bars around town are becoming a problem. Why? Because they're not very good at checking IDs. Enjoy the cancer-causing fun while you still can, kids. It may just be lip service but Matt Groening is at least willing to pretend he's upset that the premiere of The Simpsons Movie wasn't held in Oregon's Springfield.If N. Interstate becomes Cesar E Chavez Boulevard, does this mean that SE Clinton stands a chance of one day turning into Jerry Garcia Ave? Another interesting bit of news and speculation via Metroblogging Portland: the Jantzen Beach mall may not be long for this world.I'd enjoy the Oregon Brewers Fest a whole lot more if I didn't have to pay for a $4 mug at the door or run into any of these nine types of fest-goers. The cover of Willamette Week's "Best of Portland" issue looks a lot like the cover of Portland Monthly's "Best of the City issue. Which came first? For what it's worth, WW has been doing this sort of thing a few decades longer than PM. Meanwhile, it looks like the Portland Mercury has decided to skew serious for their annual "Best of..." parody issue.Labels: links, Portland