I have just one question: where's Children's Day? Oh, that's right. There *is* a Children's Day but it's celebrated just about everywhere but the United States.
Is this fair?
Should every child, young and old, refuse to celebrate Mother's Day in order to finally shine a light on this glaring oversight? Where's our brunch, people? Where's our awkward phone calls and last-minute Hallmark cards? Huh? Huh?
Anyway, here's another batch of random links:
$665 million for a statewide emergency radio station? That money could be better spent on a bottle of whiskey for every man, woman and child in Oregon. If we're ever hit by a disaster severe enough to knock out communication statewide, which would you rather have by your side? A broadcast telling you we're all screwed or a fifth of Jack Daniels?
I think I'd rather eat a deep-friend Twinkie, honestly, than one of these.
Is this a grim portent of Portland's future? If so, this place is starting look worse than that alternate Hill Valley in Back to the Future Part 2. I mean, at least the middle class can afford to live and play in an urban war zone.
What would happen if Bruce Willis decided to show up semi-randomly on a message board overloaded with cranky film geeks to defend the next Die Hard movie? Click here to find out.
Here's a link to a blog post that offers a rundown on the greatest long tracking shots in cinema history, complete with clips. Those awesome shots from Children of Men come in somewhere in the middle.
Here's a great news story to bring up when you're eating brunch with your mother on Sunday.