Why the superstitions surrounding Fridays that fall on the 13th? As Garfield the cat once pointed out, Monday the 13th seems much more worthy of fear and disdain. Wikipeida, always the go-to for this sort of thing, offers a few theories.
With that out of the way, here's another round of random links:
Now that bad, ol' Don Imus has been put out to pasture, will everyone start lambasting rappers and the Bush administration for worse faux pas? Possibly, maybe, but probably not. In related news, this couch's radio days are so over.
I wonder if local business owners would be more or less upset if the recent rise in graffiti looked more like the stuff in Amsterdam. Link via Numine.
So the Beastie Boys did perform at Wieden+Kennedy's 25th anniversary shindig last week. Click here for pics.
I drive a Camry. I can see myself doing the same thing someday.
An official song for Portland? Since Jack White and Loretta Lynn's "Portland, Oregon" won't make the cut, do we hafta'?
"Wanted: A Future Without Worry." Me too, Tyler, me too. A piece of advice: if you don't have any serious job prospects, avoid adulthood as long as you can. Stay in college forever!
Another slice of Portland that makes this city so unique and/or "weird," is destined to bite the dust sooner than later. Lousy, PGE Park management. You should be encouraging fans to come down there, not discouraging. In the words of the Timbers army, "fuck you, asshole[s]!"
Good vs. Evil foosball tables? Yes, I'll take one. Oh, wait, no place to put it. Nevermind.
Finally, the following has traveled all over the internet today and who am I to decline the opportunity to further perpetuate low-budget depictions of death and mayhem? Please, enjoy.