He died ten years ago today, don'cha know. Let's pause for a moment of silence...
...ok, now for something(s) completely different.
The Host, a Korean horror movie with (supposedly) anti-American themes, opened in Portland theaters today. The film harkens back to an era when political fears were jammed into horror films. So if a film along these lines were to be filmed in Portland, what might it look like? Jack Bog has an idea. For the other side of the coin, click here to read a blog post titled "Confessions of an Empty Nester."
Some might call this cute. Others, terrifying. I think it's both.
It was inevitable that someone was going to get around to forming a religion based on The Big Lebowski. And here it is. In 50 years this could be the next Church of Scientology but without all the Best Buy outfits, indentured servitude, aliens, celebrity worship, etc.
Click here to see the winning entry in the Decemberists' "reanimation" contest.
Springfield, OR. is hoping to land the premiere of The Simpsons Movie but it will have to compete will all the other Springfields across America. The first step in the process will be for the local Chamber of Commerce to put together a promotional video extolling the city's not-so-bustling splendor. What, er, springs to mind when you think of Springfield? Kip Kinkel? Half-empty strip malls? Meth? Good luck, guys.