And, as usual, all week the weather was cold and damp here in the City of Roses. Yesterday was nice though.
Anyway, it's Friday so that means it's time for another round of random links...
These days graffiti is all over the place in Portland and it isn't the cool kind with bubble letters. Instead, the city's blank walls are quickly being covered by quickly scribbled tags. My solution? Another sequel to Jet Set Radio. That should keep 'em busy.
GI Joe's is switching its name to Joe's this weekend. What, have the Feds stripped the local emporium's rank as a "real American hero"? "dieselboi" over at Metroblogging Portland posted this tribute a few days ago.
No more trans fats at PGE Park? Why the rush to slim down the butts of minor-league sports fans? It's not like the troubled venue needs to make more room in the stands.
Word out on the street: the Paris Theater may return to its roots as a porno house. Wait, it's 2007, not 1977, right? Given the advent of the internet and Cinemax, is there still a customer base for this sort of thing? Eh, the Pearlies aren't gonna like this.
Portland's Personal Telco Project to Metro-Fi: you suck. I concur.
O'Reilly got his facts wrong during his recent segment on last week's anarchist shindig. According to another rumor spreading around the internet, one of the protesters pooped on an American flag. Really? With a line of cops standing watch, I doubt this happened. A few of them got a face full of pepper spray for less than that as they passed by Schmaucher Furs. By the time anyone would have dropped their pants, they would have no doubt been arrested for public indecency/defecation/something like that. Still, this site claims to have evidence and an editorial from the Portland Tribune backs it up. I'm at work, which means I can't click through for obvious reasons (not that I would really want to). Looking for confirmation? Feel free to click away. God bless Portland.