And so begins a three day weekend but not for me. I'll be spending Monday at work while many of you whatever it is that people with Presidents Day off do. Er...uh...what is that exactly? Sit around discussing the legacy of Washington and Lincoln? Hit up all the sales at Mattress World? According to
Wikipedia, kids back east get the entire week off from school for something called "Mid-Winter Recess." Sounds sweet but, then again, kids out here in Portland can still celebrate the shortest school year of any district in the country (PPS is still a national punchline, right?).
Anyway, on to the random links:
First up, a prerequisite Presidents Day link. Click here for a collection of "freaky secrets of the presidency." One I'd never heard: Abraham Lincoln's son Robert was present at or near two additional presidential assassinations aside from his father's AND an attempted hit on a New York mayor. To learn more about Robert, the only Lincoln kid to reach adulthood, click here. The Hot Dog on a Stick in Pioneer Place has turned off its deep fat fryer forever, leaving only one location left in Oregon. Soon local teenagers will have no where to turn if they long to be ridiculed by their peers for selling corndogs while dressed in skimpy, dayglo uniforms. A damn shame.Shawn Levy reported earlier this week that the owners of the Clinton Street Theater have purchased a large amount of equipment from an old California drive-in. Not just the projectors or the screens but the snack bar too. They're looking to set everything up at a permanent site somewhere in the metro area. It sounds like a daunting task but, if they can pull it off, the whole thing is sure to be a success in a town still hellbent on "keep[ing] weird." As it stands now, the only still operating drive-in around here, the 99 West, is clear out in Newberg.Click here to read about Donald Trump's WWE appearance at the Rose Garden.Click here to read about the taming of Starbucks' siren logo. Click here to read about a string of vandalism that hit ten downtown Starbucks locations earlier this morning. This will suck. Why? Because conservatives can no do the funny. It's a trade-off. They get all the power, corporate alliances and $ while the liberals get all the poontang and creative prowess. That's how it works or such is my understanding. Looking to get depressed before you head off on your holiday weekend? Click here to read about what global warming might do to Portland over the course of the next century. Those Houston-like summers are going to be a bitch.Someone once told me that a great movie can be made about anything. Case in point: Children of Men. When you get right down to it, what was it really about? One man's search for a pair of comfortable shoes. Strangely enough, Die Hard had the same plot. What does this have to do with the just announced Milli Vanilli movie? Think about it. Click here to read an excellent rant about recent changes made to classic attractions at Disney's US theme parks.Finally, click here for a mash-up video with a song that will never leave your head for the rest of your life. "I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it!" links