Last Saturday night at about 2:30 a.m., a pedicab operator was allegedly run down by a man driving a late-model Mercedes while riding east on NW Davis Street in downtown Portland...
..."It's really strange I'm not hurt worse, he ran into me going really fast," she said. The woman — who is about six feet tall and was dressed in a full bunny costume — says the crash was "a direct hit" from about a block away, and that it occurred on a well-lit street.
After the collision, the woman says she got up and approached the car. The driver of the car then allegedly offered her $100. At that point, according to a forum posting made by the pedicab operator (which has since been deleted), she yelled at the man in the car, screaming that she didn’t want his money and that she'd rather see him go to jail.
A few minutes later, the man allegedly put his car in reverse and tried to leave the scene. Then, the woman says she and a friend who had arrived at the scene, "stood in front of his car so he wouldn't leave," which she admitted was, "not too smart." At that point, the woman claims the man in the car, "maliciously looked us in the face and ran into us a second time."
As the man in the car drove away, the pedicab operator reported that her friend then broke his windshield with brass knuckles and that she, "chased him down the street in my f***** bunny suit screaming."
And so Portland moves yet another step closer to an inevitable full-scale street riot waged between motorists and bicyclists. I'm betting on whichever side shows up with the most bunny costumes and brass knuckles.
More here.
Labels: bikes