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Tuesday, December 09, 2008Repeal Day?Repeal Day celebrations seem like they suddenly sprung out of nowhere a few years ago. That's probably because they kinda, sorta did, at least around Portland. Last year was the first time I'd heard of it. This year seems like it was coming into its own as a proper drinking holiday, most likely aided by the fact that it fell on a Friday. The Baghdad Theater hosted an event with musicians and people in '20s-era duds handing out appropriate attire at the door. Black fedoras for the guys, red boas for the ladies. At 11 PM they rolled out a screening of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The significance? No idea. Maybe there's some bootlegger subtext in the film that's completely lost on me? Here's hoping Repeal Day goes on to become an annual tradition worthy of St. Patrick's Day. You can never have enough drinking-themed holidays, even if they do pack on the pounds. Speaking of which, here's a handy tool that calculates the food-equivalent of how much booze you consumed the night prior. Labels: Booze