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Monday, June 02, 2008Beware of Greeks bearing beerI've spent many a weekend evening in the Goose Hollow Inn. This little tavern, owned by former Portland mayor Bud Clark, never seems to get any respect in local drinking guides put out annually by the city's alt-weeklies but it remains my favorite place to toss back a pint around here. The Goose Hollow has a mean Reuben sandwich on the menu and, of all the drinking establishments I've been to in Portland, it draws the most eclectic crowd. Spotted over there on Saturday night: All of this had a lot to do with the Starlight Run but I don't see how anybody can run 3.1 miles in an evening gown. While most of these people were dressed in costume, I'm pretty sure the folks from WW were dressed in their native garb. Labels: Booze, Rose Festival