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Thursday, January 03, 2008The absinthe hunt continues...
Someday my dream will come true. A dream to consume absinthe, legally, within the United States, preferably in a bar where people can roll their eyes at me when I order it. I received no less than six eye rolls and one insult when I made the mistake of ordering a glass in a London pub last fall.
According to this excellent Salon article I saw linked on Blogtown this morning, the stuff has never been very popular in Britain. I guess that's why someone behind me muttered something to the effect of, "Stupid Yank. Probably spent all day waiting to get on the London Eye." Whether or not it's considered kosher 3,000 miles from here, I'm still determined to make a semi-regular habit of absinthe consumption. I'm already looking into taking out an insurance policy on my ears. The Salon article was also linked by "Food Dude" over on Portland Food and Drink. One of his readers mentioned that a liquor store down in the Pearl District may now carry absinthe on its shelves. Woo hoo! With any luck I'll have a brand new personal vice to enjoy this weekend. Labels: absinthe, Portland, Vices