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Saturday, November 10, 2007Tech support, War on Terror-style
In the US a problem with an email account might lead to a tech support call or contacting the company that hosts it. The same rule applies to our brave fighting men and women overseas but sometimes they vent their frustrations in ways not considered kosher stateside.
I wish I'd had a gun with laser targeting around when my iPod went belly-up in January. I spent four hours on the phone with Apple tech support before they finally agreed to replace it. This photo is compliments of "M.I.A." He's a former college roommate currently serving in Iraq and, yeah, those are really his initials. He was having problems with a spam filter blocking his outbound emails. After getting the issue resolved, he took the process a step further, thus creating his own special brand of troubleshooting. Let this be a lesson to all the spam and overzealous spam filters out there. Labels: tech support, war