A few gems from Conservapedia, the online encyclopedia for people convinced Wikipedia has too much of a liberal/anti-Christianity/anti-American bias:
An entry on John Kerry doesn't bother with a biography and cuts straight to controversies surrounding election financing during his 2004 presidential campaign. It doesn't offer much else. An entry on John Edwards essentially calls him a socialist in the first paragraph. An entry on hippies offers a photo of "hippies in their colorful, native costume."On breasts: "Clothing that fits tightly around the neck and de-emphasizes the separation and softness of the breasts is considered modest or conservative, clothing that does the opposite is considered 'daring.'" Good to know.An entry on Sheryl Crow contains little information other than a rundown on her joke about toilet paper from a recent benefit concert.An entry on Michael Moore starts off with this:
Michael Moore (born April 23, 1954) is a left wing filmmaker who views on politics and America are best summed up by his quotes:[1]
"Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican."
"I like America to some extent."
Conservapedia: it's the "trustworthy encyclopedia." And it's also not a joke.
Labels: conservatives, wikis