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Tuesday, April 10, 2007And the winner is...
A question posed yesterday: which of these two chocolate bunnies is truly the tallest? Braggart "Too Tall" or "Bunny Big Ears," who, all things considered, possesses ears that aren't so much big as they are long?
And the winner is... Bunny Big Ears. Yup. Coming in at a staggering 13-inches, he towers over the 8-inch Too "Actually, Not Very" Tall. Another fun fact: BBE contains 1440 calories. Why, that's nearly 3/4 of my daily calorie needs. Tomorrow, I guess I'll eat his ears for breakfast, his head for lunch and his body for dinner, along with a spinach salad and, possibly, a bottle of Heineken. Uhhhh, yeah. Please don't use that last sentence out of context. In fact, consider this the advent of the Chocolate Bunny + Spinach Diet + Possibly a Bottle of Heineken diet. Watch out, Atkins. One last note before I close the book on Easter '07: this rabbit, found on the front of a box of egg dye at Albertsons, looks like he's up to something. In fact, I'd have to say this is the most sinister-looking, Photoshoped Easter Bunny I've ever seen. Is this a face you can trust? Would you eat any of his Cadbury Eggs? I'm thinking whatever's in that pink egg of his is ticking and/or explosive. Labels: holidays