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Monday, December 11, 2006A Christmas compilation to rattle the pillars of Heaven
Last week while listening to the streaming Christmas jukebox over at X-Entertainment I decided I "need" to put together a mix CD of offbeat, semi-obscure holiday songs. I'm looking for suggestions, if anyone out there has any, but nothing you can find on the radio this time of the year. So no "Feliz Navidad" or John Lennon's ghost singing about how it's all our fault that the Vietnam War didn't come to a more timely conclusion. Instead, I'm looking for stuff that would somehow fit snugly between Tom Waits' cover of "Silent Night" and Speedy Gonzalez's long forgotten lament about the year Santa Claus brought him a hat three sizes too big. If that's even possible. Anything spring to mind?
Click on the first link above to have a listen to what inspired this little project. XE's online compilation consists of the old time favs you can find on the radio along with decades-old novelty songs like "Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey" and another about what it's like to spend Xmas with the Smurfs. I recommend Twisted Sister's cover of "Come All Ye Faithful." It pops up about halfway down the playlist.