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Thursday, November 30, 2006And away Wii go
So that Wii I bought at a midnight sale? On Monday it was sent off to a loving home in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. A second eBay auction netted me half of what I was expecting and my car found a way to gobble that up in nothing flat. The cash went to cover the cost of an oil change, a brake light and a new car battery to replace a nearly dead one. Karma? Probably.
That's what I get for trying to profit off gamers. And for going to Jiffy Lube, where getting a simple oil change is always a confounding struggle. Seriously, if you drive a brand new car off a lot into one of those places they'll find something that needs replacing. Or sucker you into replacing an imaginary fluid. Is there really such a thing as "rear differential fluid" or did Jiffy Lube make it up to con us out of another $30? eBay giveth and the Jiffy Lube and Sear's Automotive Center taketh away Oh, well. Just think what might have happened if I hung onto the Wii.