If you're anything like me, you're stuck at work tonight where the workload is high and access to candy is limited. Still, it hasn't been busy enough to keep me from running around the internet in search of random Halloween links.
If there's anything I'm bad at it's carving pumpkins. It took me close to an hour just to clean the guts out of one on Sunday night. Can I pull off an intricately designed fruit masterpiece like the ones featured on Zombie Pumpkins? Fat chance. Mine is the one in the back with the three eyes. X-Entertainment was back again this year with a Halloween countdown. I recommend the write-up on "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." And if you didn't know already, the annual special is a subtle indictment of organized religion. I went to an outdoor Halloween party over the weekend dressed up as "the guy from Gremlins." No one was able to figure out what I was going for. Instead, several people asked me what I had done to my right hand. Imitating the main character's injury from the movie, I wrapped it in gauze. The backpack with a Gizmo doll sticking out of a pocket didn't provide a very good clue either, I guess. If only I had gone as Marty McFly or used one of these handy-dandy Star Wars masks. Or worn one of these many misguided costumes from the '70s and '80s.Your great-grandparents liked Halloween too but they apparently celebrated it with greeting cards instead of candy and vandalism. This article from Newsweek is the stuff of nightmares. So is this documentary about a similar haunted house in Texas. I wonder if it's available over at Netflix... I would much rather be here tonight instead of trapped in my cubicle.A happy Halloween to all and to all a good night.