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Thursday, June 08, 2006Slurpee vs. Slurpee
A few weeks ago I stopped by my local 7-11 to pick up a Slurpee in cup promoting X-Men 3: The Last Stand. It had a nifty 3D design and came with a cool, little Professor Xavier hologram coin. All in all, drinking iced Coca Cola out a cup with Kelsey Grammer's face stamped on the side wasn't as much fun as I was expecting. But the coin? Let me tell you, hours of entertainment.
Now just a few weeks later, the X-Men promotion has been usurped by Superman-themed cups and not one but two Son of Krypton-themed Slurpee flavors: Kryptonite Ice and Arctic Blast. How many flavors did the X-Men get for their efforts to quell a full-scale mutant revolt on Alcatraz Island? Zero. Superman though? Two flavors and all he'll probably do in his new movie is beat up a shaved Kevin Spacey. An oversight like this was sure to come to blows and it already has over at the offices of the Portland Mercury. Click here to see the whole Slurpee saga unfold.