On my way home from work I saw a yard sign for a City Council campaign. It said in white letters on a red background: "I won't screw up like Erik Sten." Talk about getting right to the point. If you don't believe me, it can be found on SW Terwilliger near the US Bank. I'm all for straight talk in politics but aren't candidates supposed to avoid using potty talk?
Just about everyone in Portland has now seen this video of Stephen Colbert interviewing Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer. Nevertheless, here's another link. Colbert pulled no punches and even insulted Earl's bow tie. Ouch. Still a far cry from what he did to the press and Mr. Bush last week though. No matter what anyone tells you, this man is incredibly funny. But can John Stewart possibly keep up? (thanks, OMI)
Americans college graduates traditionally bum around Europe during the summer months. But where do Europeans bum around? I'm thinking Thailand...
If you haven't visited the Portland Mercurys Blogtown PDX lately, now is a good time to take another look. It originally debuted, I want to say, around a year ago. Content aside, the design was terrible and it was little more than a forum. After a complete overhaul, it's gone from being unreadable to one of the best blogs in town. What a difference layout makes. It also includes links to Podcasts and videos. Click here to listen to one of the paper's staffers rapping with Ice Cube last week. I can't tell if Cube says "that's dumb" or "that's dumb" at the end. I thought he did pretty well, given the circumstances.
There's an excellent interview with hometown hero Matt Groening over at The Onion's AV Club. He discusses the upcoming Futurama direct-to-DVD movies, The Simpsons feature film, the iconic series' "feud" with The Family Guy and confirms, at long last, that Krusty the Clown is indeed partially based on Rusty Nails. For those unfamiliar, Rusty Nails was a popular kids show host in Portland back in the day and supposedly once owned a home in my parent's neighborhood. The origin of his bizarre moniker remains a mystery. From what I've heard, he was a pretty conventional clown. Rusty probably never once faked his own death or was thrown in prison for a crime he didn't commit. (thanks, Metroblogging Portland.)
Photos of the revamped attic in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion? The can be found here (once over there, scroll down). If you're in the mood for vintage photos of the Magic Kingdom, this blog has you covered.
There is such a thing as "too cute." A photo of it can be found here.
A happy Cinco de Mayo to all, and to all an avoidable hangover. Remember, the only trick even comes close to working is eating something and chugging lots of water before you pass out. Although there are others that swear by Gatorade...