Last night I
predicted that PPD would arrest more people during this year's Mardi Gras festivities than last year's. I was completely off the mark. In fact, it was so quiet downtown that several officers were sent home early. Here's the stats, compliments of
Fox 12 and the
38 juveniles were detained.19 motorists were nabbed for DUIs. 4 people were arrested. "2 girls who were exposing themselves were taken into protective custody after they started to draw a crowd."
My prediction was completely wrong but here's what I observed during a quick buzz through downtown on the way to and from the Popeye's on MLK.
The cops were out in full force. Outside the central precinct, a line of officers were milling about. Nearby two Tri-Met buses were waiting with their emergency lights running. From what I've heard, PPD rolls out buses as makeshift paddy-wagons anytime there potential for a riot, protest, etc. They were everywhere. On foot, bike, car and motorcycle (didn't spot any on horseback though). Coming off the Burnside Bridge into downtown I spotted no less than four separate pairs of red and blue lights. One officer was responding to an incident involving a hipster that had evidentially passed out on a sidewalk. Three others were handing out speeding tickets. Looks like the folks over at Metrobloging Portland were right. During its ongoing restoration, the bridge is going to be a full-scale speed trap.
So it looks like the one-two punch of rain and a heavy police presence kept things under control last night. I don't know what I was thinking. This is yet another reason why I'm not a gambling man.