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Friday, March 10, 2006A growing list of things every Portlander MUST do
A few days ago I started a parody of Portland Monthly's list of 50 things every Portlander "must do." I only made it as far as 25 but readers have been picking up the slack. So far, they've sent in 80+ suggestions to round out the list.
So I just wanted to say thanks to everybody who participated. On Monday I'll make a master list and send it off to the editors at PM...who probably won't see it. I'm sure they're much too busy sipping local wines as they lounge around their palatial lofts in Botox chambers, scepter in hand, to bother reading what "the little people" think. To quote Triumph, "I keed, I keeed." Everyone knows that the editors at Portland Monthly prefer Botox Jacuzzis. Still, don't let all this discourage you from sending in ideas if inspiration strikes over the weekend. Just type them into the comments area below.