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Monday, December 05, 2005Coloring contest - phase 2So it all comes down to this. Four entries enter, three entries leave. Only three can win and only one will take home the festive talking George Bush doll you see here. And now y'all will decide which of the four entires in WELCOME TO BLOG's 2005 HOLIDAY COLORING CONTEST won't make it. Which among them simply doesn't cut the mustard? Which among them is one Froot Loop shy of a full bowl? And which one is all Preparation and no H? Click here to view the entries. Once you've carefully considered all four, vote for your favorite below. Feel free to vote as many times as the poll will allow. After all, what's a HOLIDAY COLORING CONTEST without cheating, fraud, backstabbing, etc? The poll closes at midnight PST this Wednesday, December 7th. The winner will be announced on Thursday. Not only will they gain the ability to terrorize their pets with GW, their drawing will take the place of the cop shot above and become Welcome to Blog's Photo of the Month for December. Let the battle for coloring supremacy begin! UPDATE: The poll is now closed. The results will be revealed tomorrow evening.