Every once and a while a random response appears in my Haloscan account for a long-forgotten blog post. The service doesn't have a link to the post itself but I can typically figure out what they're related to based on the subject matter. I have no idea what this one is about:
"I watched Dateline on the matter of preverse behavior on Chat rooms. This is the most disgusting behaviour from men I have ever read about. I have no young children who might be in danger but if I can help in any way please let me know. These SEX OFFENDERS must be stopped."
Thanks, "R.L. Woodfell." You're probably a spam-bot littering the expanses of the Blogosphere with your mass-produced outage. On the other hand, maybe you wildly misinterpreted something I wrote waaaaaaay back in 2003. Whatever the case may be, I'm too lazy to sort all this out.