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Tuesday, November 22, 2005The 2005 Welcome to Blog Holiday Coloring Contest!Wake up the neighbors, get on the cell phone, send some faxes and type up a bulk email. Wake up the carrier pigeons, write a few text messages, dust off the telegraph, ring the bells in town square, get on the short-wave and fire up Blogger. Get the word out, IT'S TIME FOR A HOLIDAY COLORING CONTEST! No, really. I'm serious. A real-deal coloring contest. No fooling. While the night before the day before Thanksgiving may be an inappropriate time to declare a coloring contest, the deadline for submissions is a ways off. So if you get bored this weekend after stuffing yourself full of stuffing, turn off the football and break out the Crayolas. Click here or on the drawing above for a rundown on prizes, details, rules, etc. Maybe a dozen or so contestants will enter but only three will win the not-so-fabulous prizes up for grabs!