Since these pics have a midnight expiration date, I'm rolling them out in one big batch.
This old cop car with a Jack Skeleton emblem on the hood mysteriously appeared on my street a few weeks ago. It hasn't moved since. I wonder if it will come alive and terrorize the neighborhood after dusk ala Christine. Or simply disappear overnight. Or continue to sit over there and rust.
Hey look! I carved a cyclops pumpkin!
And, of course, Shanna outdid my pathetic effort with this elaborate "midnight kitty" pumpkin (which she took from a design book. Bah!).
Speaking of felines, here's an obligatory pet pic.
It's a haunted doughnut. Boo!
If you would like a haunted doughnut of your very own, set sail for Sesame Doughnut over on SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.