Two accused methamphetamine traffickers apparently rigged up their car so that if cops closed in, a small rocket carrying their stash would pop up from the trunk and launch itself far from the long arm of the law.
For some reason, the rocket never achieved liftoff. [U.S. Attorney's Office spokesman] Ledford explained that a web of ropes and pulleys lifted the rocket into launch position when the trunk lid was opened. The rocket could then be ignited from inside the car using the dashboard cigarette lighter.
Cops are pretty certain the rocket was meant to be an escape pod for the drugs, but Ledford diplomatically declined to speculate.
So did this take place out in Gresham or waaaaaay out in Missouri? Give it some thought and
click here for the answer compliments of Fox News. After that, have a look at these
quips about the incident over at "Flex Your Rights."