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Monday, June 20, 2005Fun with "Engrish"
What would be an appropriate way to return from a four-day blogging hiatus?
I know! With another gallery of Tokyo photos. This entry in Welcome to Blog's endless "It Came From Over There" photo series focuses on examples of "Engrish." What's that, you ask? As the Urban Dictionary would have it... Engrish: A form of English characterized by bad translation from Japanese by someone who is decent at translating vocabulary but has a poor grasp of English grammar. Tends to be a word-by-word literal translation with humorous results for native English speakers. Example: Click here to view the rest of them. While the English skills of these sign writers far exceed my Japanese skills, that's not going to stop me from posting these pics. Consider all the kanji that has popped up around the US in recent years. On everything from "Kill Bill" posters to tattoos to t-shirts at JC Penny. There's probably a million sites overseas devoted to America's poor use of the Japanese language. Everybody wins.