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Thursday, March 31, 2005This week's link round up
Here's a week's worth of material in one handy-dandy, easy-to-use package.
- Video games, meet art. Art, meet video games. Click here for more info. - Have you ever wanted to see an online gallery of North Korean socialist propaganda? Click here and your wish will be granted. - It's like "Big Mouth Billy Bass" only much, much worse. Click here for further info. - Learn about the secret life of dolphins and another use for towels with this interactive Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy / fairly cheesy Flash promo for the upcoming movie. It probably won't cure what ails ya' but it will keep ya' entertained for roughly 90 seconds. Follow the link under "click to view." - I would really like to see the Canadian equivalent of this pamplet. - Wanna take a online tour of an abandoned Russian embassy in Bangkok? Click here. You won't be disappointed, especially after you get a look at all the creepy "metal lined chambers." - The first review of Revenge of the Sith anywhere? Is it legit? Only Lucas knows. Decide for yourself here. - Here's a screenshot from the long forgotten Partridge Family 2200 AD. And here's a screenshot from a much-loved, now maligned prime time cartoon that defined a generation. Notice any similarities?