Last month, I declared
this article as the greatest to ever grace the front page of the
Oregonian. Now, mere weeks later, there's

Matthew Reed, a Portland tattoo artist, recently filed a lawsuit against a Nike for an ad featuring former Blazer Rasheed Wallace. He claims he owns the copyright for the design that covers 'Sheed's upper right arm. Reed wants the ads pulled off television and the internet and he's also seeking damages.
I wonder if this is the first time anyone has tried to claim copyright over a tattoo. If this guy wins in court, some entrepreneur out there should immediately send off a few claims to the
USCO. It's unlikely that anyone out there owns the rights to ink staples like barbed wire, love/hate, anchors and hearts with the word "Mom" written in the middle. Thar's gold to be mined in them thar' appendages.