On Saturday around 350 protestors hit Gabriel Park to fight a neo-Nazi
menace that threatened to clog area driveways and yards with hate literature. Up the street at the Multnomah Center, a crowd of around a 1,000 people turned out for a second rally featuring speeches by mayor Tom Potter and County Commissioner Serena Cruz.
Expecting a conflict, a heavy police presence was on hand but no riots ensued. No one dressed like Indiana Jones whipped anyone. Not a single Jake and/or Elwood impersonator jumped a Nazi mobile in an old squad car. Despite, or more likely due to, two weeks worth of press coverage,
the Tualatin Valley Skins didn't show.
Diversity/community spirit/the forces of good/etc.: 1.
Neo-Nazis/forces of evil/etc: 0.
For Indy Media's coverage of the event, including pictures, click
here and