Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Worst. Post title. Ever.
Anyway, Jack White apparently has a
cameo on Beck's next album. Welcome back, Mr. Hanson. All has been long as you've truly left the
teary-eyed warbling to Cat Powers. As far as I'm concerned, this is the musical equivalent of
Superman teaming up with Batman. A lame, off-the-mark analogy? You decide. While you're at it, which one is which?
Working titles for songs on the album, which is rumored to be a return to his days as hip-hop/country/electronica/thrift store maestro, include "Guero," "E-Pro," "Scarecrow" (maybe that analogy isn't inapplicable after all) and "Chain Reaction." The Dust Brothers are even involved as co-producers. The release date? Early 2005.