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Monday, August 02, 2004The Goonies in Pioneer Square?
The Portland Communique reported last week that at least one of Phil Busse's proposed campaign promises will come to fruition. The Board of Trustees for Pioneer Courthouse Square, along with Regal Cinemas, are putting together "Flicks on the Bricks," a film series that will, with any luck, become an ongoing summer tradition. The films will be shown on an inflatable screen but I'm curious how the organizers will drown out the headlights around the courthouse. The only thing I can think of is two story black curtains. There's also all the light pouring in from the surrounding office buildings. Hmmmm... But enough about the logistics, what's the first film they're screening on Friday, August 20th? Why, it's the best one ever made, THE GOONIES! T-H-E G-O-O-N-I-E-S. On the same topic, I stood within 75 yards of Martha "It's like I'm babysitting but not getting paid" Plimpton last night. More on this later. Thanks go out to Karl for sending in the link.