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Saturday, June 05, 2004A late night freak show jubilee
Hey, remember this guy? Maybe it isn't actually Dave Attell because, as KGW reported last night, THERE'S A DAVE ATTEL IMPOSTER ON THE LOOSE! On Thursday night, a bar on 2nd Avenue received a call from a man claiming to be a producer affiliated with Comedy's Central's "Insomniac." He said Dave was swinging through town and wanted to film a segment. Later that evening, a fat, cheerful, unshaven bald man showed up with a camera crew and proceeded to run up a several hundred dollar tab. When they left without paying, the staff realized it was all a sham. They didn't call the cops and don't plan on pressing charges. Could they all be suffering from a case of Schnapps-flaovred Stockholm Syndrome? Lock your doors! Hide your hooch! And, if you're a local bartender, don't serve any fat, cheerful, unshaven bald men until this phony is brought to justice! There's no telling when or where he might strike again!