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Friday, March 05, 2004All sorts of randomness
1. February's Photo of the Month has finally been given the shaft. The hate-filled stockbroker is gone, replaced by the happy-bouncy shenanigans of Lilo and Stich. BUT WAIT! What's that looming overhead?!!! They're about to be FORKED!
This begs the question: is it still canabalism if you consume a cartoon character? 2. US 3. Blog made the top of Flirting With Coherence's list of local blogs. To celebrate, here is these pictures of Charlize Theron with her lips wrapped around....dear God, it couldn't be! Think of the children!
Tsk. Tsk. What IS the world coming to? Anyway, these are straight outta' something called New Yorkish. For tips on how to make your very own apple pipe, click here.