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Friday, February 06, 2004Finally, the cat story
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, house pets and plants, please, gather 'round. After a two day absence I give you now the legendary, oft-rumored Where the Isotopes Play. It was posted at Website only moments ago. This delightfully tragic (yep, delightfully tragic) tale follows the adventures of three Siamese Siamese Cats as they travel to a nuclear power plant in search of steak and kidney pies. This epic tale, easily the most amibitious venture ever featured on Website, features 2 Quicktime shorts, a partial soundtrack by Cornelius, dozens of wondrous photos, exotic locales, the lowest of low production values and some of the finest puppeteering you'll ever see (honest!). It's even fit for the whole family, especially now that I've taken out all the swear words and boob shots. Where the Isotopes Play could very well be the best story you read all day featuring a video of a Gizmo doll karate-chopping a pirate. Prepare to be spellbound. Once you've done that, click here.