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Wednesday, January 14, 2004You're pretty good looking, for a girl, but your back is so broken
I visited Paul Allen's nightmarish Experience Music Project back in November and found this picture, blown up to the size of a VW Bug, in the lobby. This is as close as a single image will ever get to capturing the White Stripes in a nutshell. Yet, here's what the photographer, Annie Leibovitz, has to say about it: "I don't know what this picture means. The truth is, there's nothing more to it than dada. It's just a dada picture. And that's who the White Stripes are....we actually had the target left over from a Cameron Diaz shoot for Vogue." The real question here? What does "dada" mean? Here's Webster's definition: A European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity. I thought the White Stripes' music was all about misogyny, arcane references to the '30s and painkillers. Looks like Annie was right all along.