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Thursday, January 22, 2004You can't do that on television
Last night, during a commercial break for The Daily Show, something terrible happened. It was foul, it was horrible and it surely made eyes across the Pacific Standard Time Zone burn. This "thing" was a man's nude derriere in an in-house ad for Comedy Central.
Have they no-shame? The ad went something like this: ANNOUNCER: "Ted works from his home. Ted likes to make egg sandwiches. Ted has a baby alligator that he keeps in his bathroom. Ted also doesn't wear pants." Cut to a shot of "Ted" grabbing a box out of a cabinet. The shirt goes up and, there they are, two bulbous, middle-aged butt cheeks for all the world to see. Last year, the station broke the "shit" barrier by allowing the kids on South Park to cut lose with not just one, but several hundred "shits." That's fine, what isn't fine is two bulbous, middle-aged butt cheeks for all the world to see. It's a cultural barrier that really isn't asking to be broken. First off, middle-aged butt cheeks are not a pleasant sight to behold. Secondly, this ad further draws attention to an unfair double-standard in American television. Consider your average diaper ad. You'll lots of baby boy behinds, but not a single girl cheek. There's also NYPD Blue which subjected the American public to countless shots of Dennis Franz's hairy ass over the years. Even the Simpsons shies away from showing female booty while happily flaunting 99% of Homer's flab. Now that you're attention has been drawn to this grave matter and countless images of disgusting behinds have attacked your brain, write to Comedy Central. Then write to the FCC. Then drop a line to your local congressman. US television's obsession with sagging butts must come to an end at once!
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