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Thursday, January 15, 2004Would you consult this alien for marital advice?
This may well be the most amusing thing ever posted on the internet., of all places, is offering a super fun gizmo that allows you to combine audio with still photography to create herky-jerky (but fun-knee) animation. Hmmm...what to do with this new found toy? Why not combine a passage from Pat Robertson's Bring It On - Tough Questions, Candid Answers with a picture of this lovable little alien alarm clock? Here's a question from a chapter titled "Love Marriage and Sex." Q: My Christian husband is infatuated with (addicted to?) computer pornography. He says it is harmless and educational, but I say it is ruining our sexual intimacy. Who is right and why? Click here or on the picture for Pat/alien's answer. This may well be the strangest thing you view this morning/this afternoon/this evening. You say sacrilegious, I say sacri-licious! PS: Wazeth, this is all your fault.