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Wednesday, January 28, 2004There's no stopping the mighty power of the puppy
Blog is taking a day off to recover from yesterday's seemingly endless Oscar tirade. Tomorrow, he will return with a Super-Duper, Incredibly Interesting Thing that, unfortunately at this time, must remain top secret.
In the meantime, please bask in the spreading cultural phenomenon that is puppy bombing. PBs received a partial two-page spread in the most recent edition of the Oregon Commentator (pages 28 and 29). If you type the words "puppy" and "bomb" into Google, Wazeth's blog is the first thing that comes up. Is this the next "santorum"? Not a chance but, if you're bored, you could always help spread the phrase by attacking the talkback sections of your favorite websites and blogs. Fark could use a few well placed puppy bombs. Also: the cat smash pic also made the OC. Hooray for cheesy animal humor! Hooray! Hooray! I leave you with the words of a coworker, who is currently watching Commando on mute. "That Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's always thinkin'!" PS: For some strange reason, the movie is showing on Black Starz.