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Monday, January 26, 2004Perversion for Profit?
The Internet Archive has moved me one step closer to stealing a copy of Pro Tools and devoting my life to making terrible electronica. The site is an overstuffed cache of instructional films, news reels and corporate propaganda just begging to be streamed or downloaded. DJs and others obsessed with kitsch could spend entire lifetimes sorting through this public domain paradise. Among the entries: Are You Popular? - A post-World War II social guidance film, offering examples of "good" and "bad" girls, proper and improper dating etiquette, and an analysis of what makes some people popular and others not. Perversion for Profit - Anti-pornography film produced by financier Charles Keating, linking pornography to the Communist conspiracy and the decline of Western civilization. Making of a Shooter - An instructional film from the late '40s. It follows a teenager named Jimmy as he learns the joys of firearms. Helpful instructors and narrators repeatedly tell him and the audience to "aim the weapon away from those around you." Out of This World - This one (pictured above) features a bickering angel and devil that explain the wonders of cellophane. There's a thousands of others along these lines, including a Coca Cola short that explores the positive effects the company is having on oh-so-happy workers in the Philippines. Thanks go out to "Fyuko" for passing along the link.