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Monday, January 12, 2004Blog Vs. Snow - The Final Battle (Take 1)
The ongoing war between Blog and Snow came to a head on January 6th, a day that will live in infamy for many Portlanders. On this day, Snow delivered his most devastating soul-crushing bitch slap yet, paralyzing the city for most of last week. But you already know this. What you don't know is the outcome of a cataclysmic 3-day battle royale between one man and a whole lotta snowflakes.
Who finally won? What happened? Check back in a few days, when the REAL Final Battle will be posted. Yes, this is a total cop-out but hold on a second. This full recount will be accompanied by an extensive Website article chock full of pictures from The Worst Winter Storm in Over a Decade (AKA Winter Blast 2004). Will these pictures be any different from what you've already seen on television and the internet? Well, they'll be the only pictures of the event taken by Blog. So that should count for something...right? As Robert Zemeckis might put it... be concluded...