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Monday, December 08, 2003Where Blog has been
Blog was mysteriously absent on Friday and, for the most part, on Thursday too. So what's his lowly excuse? Three words: "flashing" "tons" and "beaver."
Now given the fact that you have a filthy, sinful mind, you've already put these words into the following sentence: "Blog spent Friday watching tons of flashing beavers." Unfortunately, he viewed not a single beaver, literal or figurative. This flashing was of a different sort. Can you piece together these mysterious clues and find out what Blog was doing on Friday? Send your deduction to If you guess correctly and your email is #19, you win a prize*! *Prize may or may not actually exist. One entry per household. Contestants must be over the age of 18 and will NOT be granted a practice kick at any time. Should all of the contestants in the first round or remaining contestants in any subsequent round, miss the field goal, we will begin a Sudden Death Showdown with all remaining contestants. The first person to kick in the showdown will be the first person that kicked in the previous round. That contestant will place the ball at any location between the hash marks at his or her choosing and then attempt a kick. If successful, all remaining contestants will need to better that kick by at least one yard. If unsuccessful, the next contestant will choose a location between the hash marks at his or her choosing and then attempt a kick whoever successfully makes the longest field goal in the Sudden Death Showdown round will win the prize. Should all remaining contestants miss a field goal in the Sudden Death Showdown round, we will begin another Sudden Death Showdown round. For more information or questions please call Newsradio 1070 WKOK at 570-286-5838 during the regular business hours of 8:30 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday.