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Tuesday, December 23, 2003"All we've had is moldy [Website] for three stinkin' weeks!"
Yes, Website should have been updated with a new story a long while back. Instead of the oft-put off Goonies article mentioned at the bottom of the page, Where the Isotopes Play was going to run instead (because it was going to be soooooo much easier to put together. HA!) The self-imposed deadline for this was two weeks ago. So, where the hell is it, you ask?
The #$#$!@! thing is taking forever to put together. With close to four dozen photographs and QuickTime footage to boot, it's been a lengthy process. This whole "Annual Celebration of the Birth of Christ" thing isn't helping matters either. All the pretty pictures are ready to go but the text and numerous links still need to be cobbled. Slowing down things even further are the cookie blockers my corporate overlords have installed. I used to update Website once a week because I could do it on the clock. Now I receive a snotty error message from Geocities every time I try to access their server site from my company computer. If this lil' project ever gets done, it's sure to be a doozy (possible a kick in the pants instead). Set up as a knock-off of those old Choose Your Own Adventure books, Where the Isotopes Play will follow the adventures of three cats as they make their way to a nuclear power plant for a picnic. Will the cats make merry with the isotopes or come to their doom? Their is fate is in YOUR hands. So there you have it, a behind-the-scenes look at what may very well be the most self-indulgent site on the internet. Until Where the Isotopes Play appears, here's this.